Monday, September 23, 2013

Round 2

Here we go again. My numbers dropped after the miscarriage like they should have so at least everything went smooth in that area. We did a lot of talking, praying, and budgeting after we were told it would be best to do multiple IUI cycles right in a row rather than taking a break. We were both really nervous about this since we had originally planned on taking a break and saving more for another cycle after the first cycle. We have decided though that we will be moving forward with the second cycle right away. The second cycle starts tomorrow.

This time around we know more of what to expect but its hard still in other ways. I have already been really sick for over a month straight and its been very draining both physically and emotionally. Its also only days after the miscarriage and we are jumping right back into it. Its all so much at once but we feel its the direction we need to go.

I ordered all the meds again so tomorrow will be the baseline ultrasound and I will probably be starting the first med again tomorrow if all looks good with the ultrasound. We are very nervous but excited for this cycle at the same time. Nervous because we already have 4 angels and want a pregnancy to stick more than anything and excited because of the possibilities ahead. However, all these trials and heartbreaks will be worth it in the end.

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