Monday, June 27, 2016

June Baby Update

I haven't given any updates in a few months. There hasn't been much to update. We are getting really close to our financial goal for IVF. In fact, we should hit our goal next month!!!! (That is not necessarily when we are starting IVF, that is just when we will hit our financial goal for it.) It is making things a lot more real and we are so excited that we are finally getting our chance with IVF. We have waited a long time for this and we feel so blessed that we even have this chance. We think and talk often about all the people who have helped us get to this point. So many people have helped us over the years in this infertility journey. We are so blessed to have great family, wonderful doctors, amazing friends, so many who have come to visit and who have given us words of encouragement, and all of those who supported Making Someday in any way whether that was purchasing a book, donating supplies, spreading the word, etc. Countless people have helped us in this process and we are grateful for every single one of them.

We have been asked if we will be sharing our IVF journey with everyone. Of course we will!!! As stated before so many people have helped us get to this journey so we are going to let everyone be in on it! We don't know exactly when we will share everything about the journey, but we will share and let everyone know what happens as we are ready to share.

We are so grateful for all those who are praying for us. The prayers are definitely felt and they are so appreciated. We also appreciate any prayers going forward in our behalf as we are coming up on this crazy IVF journey. We are so excited for what is to come!

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