Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why Not Adopt?

Another question that we get quite often is, "Why don't you just adopt?" Even though that question sounds simple, it really isn't. Have we thought about adoption? Yes. We have considered it and prayed about it, but the basic answer is it's just not for us right now. We are not against adoption in any way, and one day we definitely may end up adopting. We have done a lot of research on it and talked to many people about it. Even when we have those moments when we think it may be the route we should go, we quickly get confirmation its not the right time for us right now to adopt. We are definitely being led down the path of treatments and so that is the direction we are still going.

If we were ever to adopt I know I would love the child as much as if it were my own biological child. But there is still a part of my heart that longs for a child of our own. I want to go through morning sickness, the pregnancy up and downs, and birth of my own child. It's what I have always dreamed of. After being pregnant it just made me want to carry my own child to term even more.

I know this answer may not fully answer the question for some who have been asking, but it's simply the answer that I have. If Heavenly Father were suddenly to tell us to go down the road of adoption we would definitely do it full heartedly. It's just simply not the time for it or the path for it right now. We are heading in the path we have been directed until we get a different answer. Heavenly Father knows what he is doing and we are trusting in His plan.

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