Saturday, October 5, 2013

IUI #2

Yesterday I thought everything would go pretty much the same as it did with the first IUI. I soon found out how wrong I was though. I have been on Estrace since my last appointment and finished it up yesterday. Hopefully it all worked but that is just one of the things that have been against us this cycle. Taylor was not able to go with me for this IUI. He went to the dr. office an hour before me to do his part of the procedure but then had to go to school. I didn't like going by myself but its what I had to do. Last time the procedure was quick and easy and it only took a couple minutes to do. However they had a really hard time doing the procedure this time. It took 45 minutes! It was extremely painful this time as well. It was a long 45 minutes to endure. The person doing the procedure was very nice and concerned but there was nothing she could do to help the pain. It was what had to be done if we wanted to finish out the IUI cycle. At one point I just wanted to call it quits and not even finish but I had already come this far and done all the medications. I wasn't going to go through all the medicines and sickness for nothing. As I lay on the table fighting to hold back the tears I remember praying to Heavenly Father asking Him to help the nurse be able to finish the procedure. A couple minutes later she was able to get the catheter through and it was done.

I never thought the two cycles would be so different. We have had so many odds stacked against us for this cycle that its been hard to stay hopeful for a positive outcome. We first had the lining issue and had to start Estrace. Then Taylor's count came back less than half of last time. It still was a good number but just not as good as the first time. Then we had all the difficulties actually getting the procedure to happen. It has been a really rough cycle but we know it will all be worth it when we get to bring a little one home. Now the waiting game begins.

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely praying for you guys. Infertility is so difficult. I personally haven't dealt with it, but my mother did for seven years. I know from her account it was heartbreaking. When she finally got pregnant she had twins and thought she'd never be able to get pregnant again. Three happy accidents later she's a mom of five. I have faith that you will hold a baby in your arms. Hang in there!
